
Gitcoin Passport

Account Verification Process via Gitcoin Passport

Avail Community

Using Gitcoin Passport to Verify Your Identity

Mandatory Verification Process Explained

Account Verification Process

Avail has introduced a mandatory verification process based on Gitcoin Passport to prevent spam and to ensure testnet tokens are distributed in a fair manner.

The following guide will show you step-by-step how to create a Gitcoin Passport.

What is a Gitcoin Passport?

Gitcoin Passport is an identity verification application. It is used to allow individuals to verify their identities with organizations. The passport allows users to collect so called “stamps” from different authenticators from web2 and web3, providing a proof of their humanity.

Please Note

To date, you can use Gitcoin Passport only to validate your EVM-based addresses. Substrate-based addresses are not supported.

Creating a Gitcoin Passport

Step-by-Step Guide for Creating a Gitcoin Passport

Launch the Passport App

You can create a Gitcoin Passport via the Gitcoin Passport app. Please visit the website to get started.

Sign into Gitcoin Passport

Please log into the application via the wallet extension of your choice. To do so, please click on the “Sign in” button at the right hand side of the page. In the next step, please select your wallet provider, for example MetaMask.

Please Note

The score of your Gitcoin Passport is (in part) evaluated based on your on-chain activity. For this reason, it is recommended to connect a wallet you use regularly.

Sign Message

In the next step, you need to sign a message to verify the ownership of your wallet and to allow the Gitcoin Passport application to access your onchain data.


Once you are signed in, you can let the app check your onchain activity. Gitcoin will then take a look a variety of different factors to evaluate the reputation of your address. Once this process is complited, your wallet receives a score.

Adding “Stamps”

After the process of evaluating your address is completed, you will receive a “Humanity Score.” You can increase this score by connecting Gitcoin to different web2 and web3 providers. To do so, simply select the service you wish to use, click on “connect” and select the metrics you wish to verify. 

Please Note

To access the Gitcoin faucet, you need a Gitcoin Passport with a score of at least 20.

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Account Verification